‘A departure’ is symbolic for moving timidly from a devastated and restricted place into an unknown future. The figure holds up two fingers and leaves us wondering if the sign is for victory, for a peace and a freedom that needs to be re-established, or all of the above.

 Perimeter, oil on linen, 75cm x 85cm, 2021. £3500

 Perimeter, oil on linen, 75cm x 85cm, 2021. £3500

 A departure, oil on linen, 75cm x 85cm, 2021. £3500

 A departure, oil on linen, 75cm x 85cm, 2021. £3500

July 2021


Perimeter and A departure are paintings of a series of two allegorical paintings. As most my works of the past year they are a response to living through the pandemic. I started work on these in September 2020.

‘Perimeter’ here refers to its use in security for protection. It questions where we feel the boundaries, where and how we draw lines, how far we go to protect ourselves, our loved ones and others, especially with the increased pressure of these difficult times.

The painting is not only about the physical world but very much about the emotional. The pandemic has highlighted that everybody’s actions and non-actions affect everyone else. It raises questions about what we do, not just for our close circle but also for the abstract idea of ‘the common good’. What happens when the perimeter has been penetrated or when it feels as such? This painting then leads further asking where are we on forgiveness, which is the topic of the second painting of this series called A departure.

Redrawing boundaries, making peace and our longing for victory

perimeter and a departure in situe room 3.jpg


IG Perimeter from layer 28.jpg
IG A departure from layer 29 adj.jpg
IG A departure from layer 25.jpg
IG A departure from layer 60.jpg
IG Perimeter from layer 23.jpg


IG Perimeter from layer 20.jpg

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The paintings above are available for purchase yet reserved to be displayed at my solo exhibition in the summer of 2022. If you have any further questions or are interested in acquiring them please email me.