A slight change of wind 4
Original oil painting on canvas board, prepared with several layers of sanded, polished and oiled gesso.
This painting comes ready to hang in a handmade, bespoke, black satin frame 23 cm x 18cm.
Please note that image showing two paintings is for illustration only and shows this item (in the hand at the bottom) alongside ‘a slight change of wind 3’ (in the back).
*price excludes postage and packaging. Pick up from the studio is a free option. Please select accordingly at check out. Please also note that customs charges may occur for shipments abroad.
Original oil painting on canvas board, prepared with several layers of sanded, polished and oiled gesso.
This painting comes ready to hang in a handmade, bespoke, black satin frame 23 cm x 18cm.
Please note that image showing two paintings is for illustration only and shows this item (in the hand at the bottom) alongside ‘a slight change of wind 3’ (in the back).
*price excludes postage and packaging. Pick up from the studio is a free option. Please select accordingly at check out. Please also note that customs charges may occur for shipments abroad.
Original oil painting on canvas board, prepared with several layers of sanded, polished and oiled gesso.
This painting comes ready to hang in a handmade, bespoke, black satin frame 23 cm x 18cm.
Please note that image showing two paintings is for illustration only and shows this item (in the hand at the bottom) alongside ‘a slight change of wind 3’ (in the back).
*price excludes postage and packaging. Pick up from the studio is a free option. Please select accordingly at check out. Please also note that customs charges may occur for shipments abroad.